When someone is involved in a car accident, Temple Terrace residents can suffer from a variety of physical problems. Many of these complications and conditions may be debilitating and can cause an individual to struggle with the easiest of tasks. Physical therapy is known for helping people reduce their pain and increase their range of motion in the muscles and joints that were affected by their accident. There are many different exercise regimens and stretching techniques that can benefit multiple conditions and areas of the body that were affected as a result of a car accident.

Concussions as a Result of an Accident

When someone is involved in a car accident, Temple Terrace residents should know that many times people end up hitting their head, which later can be diagnosed as a concussion. With exercises and stretching involved with physical therapy, patients may find that they feel less pain, are experiencing fewer headaches, and possibly reduce the amount of medications needed to cope with their concussion. When someone hits their head with enough force, they can severely affect the muscles and joints in their neck and shoulders, which call also be adding to the pain and discomfort someone might experience. Many times, vertebrae can become misaligned and cause stiffness and decrease the range of motion of someone’s head.

Knee Injuries as a Result of a Car Crash

Although it was probably not caused by a car accident, Temple Terrace residence who go to physical therapy might do so because of knee complications. Many individuals as they age start to experience soreness or stiffness in their knees, making it harder to get around and do daily tasks. Anterior crucial ligament injuries are very common among car accident victims, as well as sports stars and athletes. Massage therapy and range of motion exercises offered in most physical therapy regimens are great options for patients who are suffering from knee complications.

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