Fibromyalgia is a confusing illness that takes a long time to diagnose as its symptoms are often attributed to other conditions and diseases. Fibromyalgia Temple Terrace patients define their conditions as widespread pain and a hypersensitivity to normal touch and daily activities. Most modern research suggests that fibromyalgia is a product of sensitive nervous system. When your brain decides there is a threat to your survival, it will increase the sensitivity of your whole system to ensure you are aware of how to protect yourself. One of the ways that many people find some sort of relief is with exercises regimens of physical therapy and many other techniques.

Swimming and Hydrotherapy

Many fibromyalgia patients that make the decision to try physical therapy often have great success with exercises and techniques in a water setting such as a swimming pool or even a hot tub or shower. With patients and fibromyalgia, Temple Terrace physiotherapists like combine hydrotherapy with strength and endurance building exercises as well as resistance exercises as they can help patients cope with their chronic pain. A lot of patience like to use their hydrotherapy to help them relax; they can add essential oils or Epsom salts to further help them with there chronic pain.

Low-Impact Aerobic Exercises

Another area of physical therapy that many fibromyalgia patients have great success with is low impact aerobic exercises. While excessive exercising can do more harm for someone with fibromyalgia than good, but a small amount of walking or cycling builds up muscle strength and durability. With Fibromyalgia, Temple Terrace patients all respond to different techniques differently, so it is important to try many different types of exercises to find works best for the patient and their condition.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Bayside Medical Group*